You know that moment when you realize life is changing and there’s nothing you can do about...
Author - Tiffany H
Cowboy Boots and Such
If you are someone who knows even a little about my husband, you know he loves his cowboy boots...
Holiday Traditions & Memories
Brilliant orange, red and yellow fall colors, chilly breezes rustling through leaves about to fall...
Depression – A real cure
This is a hard subject. After the shocking news of Robin Williams’ suicide preceded by his...
Maple Cinnamon Granola
When I found the mother of this recipe, it was on the top of a grain-free apple crisp. Consensus...
Snickerdoodle Maple Cupcakes
It was a sort of calm Friday afternoon preluding a weekend in crazy-busy-no-time-wanna-pull-my-hair...
Discouragement & Stress
Do you ever have one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? Of course you do. I...
So and so
So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. I thought I should give you guys a good...
Prayer for hubby – that I am the wife he needs
Confession: I often feel like a failure at being my husband’s wife. Why? Because I can see...
My Father’s story
Often I find when you think about dad, things like old tires, shaving cream, bacon and eggs (my...