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So and so

Written by Tiffany H

So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. I thought I should give you guys a good explanation why. Or at least an explanation. 😉

It all started with this:
Pasta pasta

And that then turned into this:

Mix Mountain

And along with that went a lot of time, energy and hope. We worked with Ryan’s parents and then spent most of a Saturday delivering our creation and meeting with owners. We have a lot of hope that God will use this business to provide good, quick meals for people in our area!

Then a bit before ^(that) actually, this:

Hallway paintAnd this:


Got painted. First in the light green, second in more light green, third in the sponged dark green, then fourthly awesome blue painters tape got taped everywhere and fifthly the white trim got done and redone. It was a lot of work. especially considering the ceiling/wall went up about 18-20 feet. Realize: I’m not that tall. Uh-huh.

Plus the clothing labels that hubby designed for my Etsy shop ‘Creative Faith by Tiff‘ came and that also required time, energy, precision, etc.

In other words, hubby and I worked on them.

LabelsLabels 2

Then our bathroom ceiling/wall has been waiting patiently to get finished since we expanded it many moons ago. Yes, that is a hole in the ceiling.

Bath #1Bath #2

Even a bird somehow finding it’s way into the house through said hole didn’t accelerate the project that much. Yes, even tho an angry, upset, lost bird falling into a tranquil, calm space like a bathroom, while it’s being used for that said tranquility, was very… jarring. What can I say, my hubby is a busy man. And when he’s not busy, he’s tired from being so busy. So most of the work that is done so far has gotten done by throwing project work into little spaces of time when they (miraculously) become available. Oh, and yes, there is still drywall sitting in my dining room. For a different project.

Then, for the biggest news,


in very big way God worked in my life again.

Out of nowhere, I was offered a job at my doctor’s office. It was very unexpected, and humbling to be offered a position without even trying for it. After lots of deliberation and prayer and discussion with hubby, we decided (for me) to take it. It is in an environment supportive of my physical healing, it is a place and a practice I believe in, and it’s working with people who are successfully changing their lives in worthwhile ways, going down paths I’ve already been and am trodding still. It’s been a couple weeks now, and so far, for the first time in my life I can honestly say – I love my job (outside our home). I have first-hand experience needing and longing for a support group, people who believe like I do who can give encouragement to keep going – to stay strong with eating well, because in the end it is my body, my symptoms I have to live with. Now God has provided a way for me to live out His Word again!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble,
with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

For 5 years in Ohio, I was the ‘nurse’ or main assistant to a medical doctor. I did what I had to do. I drew blood, gave a lot of injections – vaccines, antibiotics, steroids, pain shots, comforted patients as they had surgeries or came in with depression and life-changing diseases. It was a time of my life I learned a lot and grew a ton. I learned how to take care of people emotionally and to love them by caring for them. I learned that a hug and a moment totally devoted to them and their care meant the world to someone. It was the only part of my job I was 100% comfortable with, as I more often than not continued to witness their physical health deteriorate, and the only part I’ve missed since leaving. My heart is to encourage and support people, to make them feel important and worthy. My heart is to show them the love of Jesus, because He first showed it to me. He’s provided that for me again, and I could not be more excited and happy to take this on.

It has changed my life however. My old routine is gone and in the process of being redone in a way to accomplish all my housework, cooking and still be a housewife to my husband in the midst of working outside the home and starting a business. My dear husband has been so supportive. He’s taken on some of the meals and he’s still juggling everything he has to do for work and church and home/car repairs along with more IT work our church has needed these last couple weeks. It’s crazy here, but blessings abound and I am trying to direct my focus on those. Each and every one, including the little bitty ones like Cody missing me so he follows me around the house everywhere when I’m home. He even lays outside the bathroom door. 😛

So I want to leave you with a verse hubby and I are going to be memorizing. It’s one I’ve needed to get into my heart this weekend as I’ve struggled again with the ‘no-time’ part of our lives. 😉

Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless,
children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation,
among whom you shine as lights in the world.

Philippians 2:14-15

Shine Christian, shine! 🙂

About the author

Tiffany H

Hi! I'm Tiffany, mama to the handsomest little boy and sweetest little girl, and wife to the best man ever. I love my Savior, being a housewife, mama and personal 'bakist' to the hubby, living naturally, and making real food taste yummy. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my crazy, happy life. Join me on the journey, let's get to know each other!

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    • Thank you Kathy. <3 I want that to be my lifesong, but I have so far to go! I want to be known as a woman who loved God and her Savior more than anything, and in turn loved people more than anything. I have so far to go, but let's work at it together, ok? Proverbs 31 women or bust! 😉