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Exciting (Re)Launch News and What This Week Means

Written by Tiffany H

The Giveaway is LIVE! Go here to sign up to win one of two awesome prize packs! The giveaway ends 3-25-18 @ 11:59PM. Good Luck, Friends!

I can’t believe it’s been almost 5 years since I hit publish on my first blog post.

(I’m NOT linking to it here). 😉

We have had so much fun and made so many memories during this time – personally and professionally.

On the personal note, I have gone from a newly-wed, very sickly, housewife to a much healthier, stay at home Mama to two sweet, crazy littles. We bought and spent 3 years renovating a two-family home a year into marriage. In 2015, we moved to a small single-family fixer upper. We lived through that complete gut-job beginning with one 4 month old and ending it with a second who was 11 months old. (It was a loooooong two years). 😛

My husband was hired by a great company where he has been able to advance and is well-loved. We saw our church through a massive split and almost 1.5 years without a pastor. I met extended family I never knew existed and we’ve had so much joy getting to know them.

I am a two-time PPD survivor and I don’t say that lightly. Postpartum Depression is wicked, dark stuff. Much of my life-work here at Wholesome Housewife is to reach out to that mama who feels isolated in her suffering, and the husband who is struggling to help her. You’re not alone, it’s not all in your head, and there is hope.

Professionally, I’ve met some awesome women bloggers who I enjoy learning from and with. Blogging opens up the world to you, but often it can be tricky getting the right key in the knob. 😉

I have always believed if I could reach that one woman, that one mama who God needs me to right now, all of this work and study would be worth it. Through the years, He has given me that many times over. Out of nowhere someone would message me about a post I wrote, and I was able to encourage and love on them more. I tell you, there is nothing better in the world of blogging.

What We’re Up To Now

This is almost the exciting part.

These last 5 years have also been an evolution of my blogging style, topics and inspiration. Hubby has been digging deep into WordPress and experimenting with our theme, plug-ins and all the different options for the blog.

I’ve experimented with and added new things like professional photos and graphics to my posts. My dear friend, Steve, who I met taking Dr. Axe’s Health Coach course, taught me some killer photography skills that really improved my recipe pictures. (His wife is an amazing food blogger. Check her out here!) I still have a ways to go, but they are a world better than my first recipe post. (Oh my).

So, without further ado, let’s get to the exciting part.

The Exciting Part

Are you on the edge of your seat yet? 😉

About a month ago, we had it laid on our hearts that we need to do a complete overhaul of the main site. It seems like once we’re done with one renovation, we just have to go right to another. 😉 Our logo, that hubby designed 5 years ago, has served us well, but it was time for a change and an update. No longer does my blog focus mainly on recipes and nutrition.

So we’ve both been working like mad, around the clock, along with parenting two crazy active toddlers (one in the middle of major teething), running a household, selling our apt building, church and Hubby being gone 48+ hours a week for work.

But we’re so excited! The page is looking better than ever. It loads quicker and smoother, it’s brighter and feels contemporary, add-ons aren’t broken anymore. I’ve found a creative outlet in making printables and graphics for our readers, and best of all…

We’ve decided to make (Re)Launch Day a PARTY.

What’s better to get at a party than gifts?

Cake. Cake might be better, depending on who made it and what kind. 😉 However since I can’t have you all over to our little house, we figured we’d do a gift. 😉

So, in celebration of the relaunching of Wholesome Housewife, along with an updated logo, prettier site, printables for mamahood issues like PPD and how important it is to be happy – we’re doing a giveaway!

Exciting (Re)Launch News and What This Week Means

What’s In The Giveaway

I’m so excited about this, because I personally adore these products!

We’ve decided to surprise one lucky winner with:

This gorgeous VicTsing Diffuser and an assortment of some of my favorite Rocky Mountain Oils!

The oils included are: 15mL bottles of Rocky Mountain Oils – Lavender (calming), Lemon (cleaning, energy), Tea Tree – also known as Melaleuca (wellness, skin care), Cornmint (unique oil that can replace Peppermint) and a blend called At Peace (calming and can help sleep).

We thought, what better way to celebrate the new site than to share with someone some of the things I talk about and love? 🙂

When It Starts

(Re)Launch day is set for March 23, 2018 @ 10AM!

We are planning our first ever FB Live (!!!) as Hubby switches everything over. That will be the starting point of the giveaway. It will run all weekend until 11:59PM Sunday, the 25th.

All the rules are here, and you can only enter your name and email once. We’re also asking for a location so we can name the winner by their first name and location, rather than first and last, to protect your privacy. Monday night we’ll do another FB live with all of your names in one of Hubby’s cowboy hats (or something larger, depending on how many entries we get) 😉 and announce the winner then!

What You Can Do Now

We are so excited about this giveaway, and can’t wait to see who is going to win it!

Since it is going to run for such a short time, (and we know all about forgetting things) Hubby created a form below for anyone who doesn’t want to miss out. 🙂 Enter your email and you’ll get a reminder the night before and a link Friday morning to come back and enter the actual giveaway. 🙂

Until then, Friends, have a great week and we can’t wait to see you on Friday! If you don’t follow me, be sure to like and follow my Wholesome Housewife FB page to check in on our first FB Live when the new website changes over, Friday at 10AM!

Exciting (Re)Launch News and GiveawayWholesome Housewife Is Holding An Exciting Giveaway!

About the author

Tiffany H

Hi! I'm Tiffany, mama to the handsomest little boy and sweetest little girl, and wife to the best man ever. I love my Savior, being a housewife, mama and personal 'bakist' to the hubby, living naturally, and making real food taste yummy. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my crazy, happy life. Join me on the journey, let's get to know each other!

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