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A Special Deal For Non-Winners of the EO Giveaway

A Special Deal For Non-Winners of the EO Giveaway
Written by Tiffany H

Is the term ‘non-winners’ better than ‘losers’?


Don’t worry, you guys could never be losers to me! 😉

I’m sad that you lost too, (unless you’re Sarah S. or Tracy H. – I’m so happy for you ladies because you won some amazing products!) but Rocky Mountain Oils has made the let down a little less painful. 😉

They’ve decided to give us a whole week to get a free At Peace blend!

This sale runs from Monday (today) the 26th through Monday April 2nd, 2018. I’m so excited about it, because:

  1.  I LOVE Rocky Mountain Oils. I trust their process of proving purity, and I’ve never had an issue with any of their oils (another well-known brand gave me my first ever migraine after inhaling a holiday blend).
  2.  I’ve wanted to try the At Peace for a while now! I have quite a few of the Rocky Mountain individual oils, and a handful of blends, but not this one and it was on my wish-list to try. 😉

Some of my favorite individual oils include:

And some of my favorite blends include:

A Special Deal For Non-Winners of the EO Giveaway

Recap of Our First Ever Awesome Giveaway

It has been a whirlwind week of preparing for our website (re)launch, making printables for postpartum depression and finishing a mini-ebook on how important it is for us to be happy wives and mamas (on the sidebar, look to the right). 😉

Then we did the FB Live (that ended up not being live!) to announce the giveaway and surprise, then it was a busy weekend of promoting it, fighting with the email provider for not sending out confirmation emails and then trying to get entrants to confirm their emails once they finally got the emails sent out so they could be in the giveaway. Phew!

Not only that, but my babies got a bad cold and immediately gave it to me. It hit me RIGHT after that first ever FB Live. I was thankful it waited, but it’s really thrown me for a loop since. I know it’s because I let myself get so run down. I was so excited about everything, it made it hard to wind down and sleep at night, when the babies were finally asleep and I could. 😛

But it was worth it. 😉

We had a ton of fun doing this giveaway and are excited about including more in the future! Sign up for updates (any of the opt-ins would do it) and get in on the next one! 🙂

On that note, I have to hit the sack. Don’t forget to grab your At Peace this week while you can! I can’t wait to get mine. 😉

Talk Soon,


*This post may contain affiliate links in order to help keep the site up and running. Hosting ain’t cheap, ya’ll. 😉 If you want to read some semi-boring stuff, see my disclosures. If you enjoy the site, and happen to love the products I recommend, feel free to click away. Your cost won’t change, however Wholesome Housewife will receive a small % of the sale.*

About the author

Tiffany H

Hi! I'm Tiffany, mama to the handsomest little boy and sweetest little girl, and wife to the best man ever. I love my Savior, being a housewife, mama and personal 'bakist' to the hubby, living naturally, and making real food taste yummy. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my crazy, happy life. Join me on the journey, let's get to know each other!

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