So this is supposed to be a Recipe Wednesday.
Usually I love, love, love trying new recipes to share with you guys on here.
Not lately. Lately I’ve been so sick food doesn’t even sound edible.
Nope, not food poisoning. Nope, not the stomach flu.
Yeah, you probably guessed it by now.
Our little guy, God willing, is going to be a big brother early this next year. We’re due late January/early February 2017. Ever since week 6 or so, I’ve fought nausea 24/7 (over a month now) and that, along with taking care of a super active, clingy just-turned-1 love bug, and the fatigue of and constant night trips during the 1st Trimester, I have been so exhausted the blog has been neglected a little again lately. I am hoping to nip that in the bud soon, but please give me grace. 😉
This is something that terrifies and excites Ryan and I (Baby boy doesn’t get it yet). How do I do two?! How will we make this work financially? How will we get the house projects financed and finished before this baby comes along? There are a lot of questions. Then we had questions as to what we were going to do for my and baby’s care. Our midwife, at first, was not available. None of the other licensed midwives in the area were available. I spent a lot of hours crying and praying and trying to believe God was going to work it out. As He never ceases to prove to me, He did work it out and we are moving along with an identical birth plan to this little ones big brother. I am happy and excited to have the same birth team this time as last time – our midwife, back up midwife and doula should all be there. 🙂
Thanks to everyone who has supported and encouraged us already. This baby, as all babies are, is a gift from God and we’re believing in Him to work out all the details surrounding it’s life and arrival. <3
Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you guys!
Aw, thanks Steve! I’ll be happier when things stop spinning, ha. 😉