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PB Oatmeal Cookie Dough Dip

Written by Tiffany H

So, I was remembering how my sister-in-law-in-law (hubby’s brother’s wife 😉 ) decided, from 1/2 the country away, to make this amazing looking, sweet, creamy, smooth concoction called cookie dough dip – and then sent me a picture text of it.

A picture text.

You can’t taste a picture text.

PB Cookie Dip


Cruel and unusual punishment I tell you.

So I immediately set about finding out how to make it. I couldn’t really eat the original recipe anyway, so it was probably a blessing in disguise her being five states away. (For her too, or else she wouldn’t have had any left.) 😉

Here is my edited, healthified to a point (this should NOT be breakfast) version of the best edible cookie dough out there. (For you people who are scared stiff about raw eggs. I, however, am not, so I get to enjoy more cookie dough than you. 😉 Hehe.)

PB Cookie Dough Dip
Peanut Buttery. Smooth. Delicious.
Author: Tiffany H
  • 1/2 pack cream cheese
  • 1/4 c butter
  • 1/2 c peanut butter
  • 1/2 c coconut sugar
  • 1/2 c xylitol (or coconut sugar, or maple sugar)
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tbsp oat flour
  • 1 c sprouted rolled oats
  • 1/2 c organic chocolate chips (optional)
  1. Beat cream cheese, butter and peanut butter until smooth.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and beat well.
  3. Enjoy, or refrigerate until ready!

PB dip!

About the author

Tiffany H

Hi! I'm Tiffany, mama to the handsomest little boy and sweetest little girl, and wife to the best man ever. I love my Savior, being a housewife, mama and personal 'bakist' to the hubby, living naturally, and making real food taste yummy. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my crazy, happy life. Join me on the journey, let's get to know each other!

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