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Week Two of MuTu – My Progress, Results and Thoughts

Written by Tiffany H

How many of you end up getting ‘real life’ all messed up in your plans?

That’s me.

But what do you do about it? It’s real life. There isn’t anything more real than that. You work around it. You work with it. You do what you can. And then you’re supposed to let go and accept that you got done what you could. The kids are still breathing, they ate two big meals today and are happily tearing apart more of your was-clean-10-minutes-ago house. Hubby ate too, and he’s happily sitting on the couch amongst the rubble, playing with his new Surface from work. And even though every fiber of your being wants to fold that mountain range of clean clothes on the sofa, you know you’ll never build your business if you don’t sit down and do some work. Oh and the dishwasher still needs to finish being loaded, and the counters look like someone smashed a box of graham crackers all over them.

Sound like a typical night for you, Mama? It’s hard to put yourself or what you want to do first. Sometimes it’s impossible.

It’s been two weeks since starting MuTu. The first week I did the program 4 out of 7 days. Fail, if you ask me, but I need to remember that my priorities are constantly changing and the immediate needs of my babies and hubby sometimes (and will always) trump what I want (or need) to do. And that’s ok. I just need to focus and schedule and reschedule and work with real life a little better so that this program is something I can tackle 5-6 days a week.

This second week I did the program 6 of 7 days.

I’m pretty impressed with it so far. At first I thought it wasn’t really challenging me, but then I started doing the second workout right after the first (you’re supposed to do two sets of the core phase 1 workout everyday) and got to really feel what we were working. And even though I usually hate exercise 😛 this actually felt good. Those muscles that have been ‘misplaced’ and stretched and separated are finally figuring out how to work together again. I also notice that standing upright is easier and, to my surprise, my back pain HAS improved. It’s not gone, but I can stand for a while now and not feel like crying when I attempt to bend over. That has not happened since I was probably 4-5 months pregnant with my sweet 3.5 month old Baby Girl.

Wendy helped me a ton by reminding me to roll to my side before sitting up from an exercise. Going from lying to upright is strenuous on those already filleted open ab muscles and that move (essentially a crunch) does the opposite of getting them back together. Also it was good to hear that barefoot is best, as that’s how I spent my childhood (anyone else used to run on the gravel driveway with bare feet?), but I’ll also be bringing it up with my chiropractor as he says we need the arch support.

So, so far, I’m still endorsing MuTu and encouraging other mamas to do this journey with me. My weight has stayed about the same (about 2lbs down), but considering I’m still nursing full-time, I don’t really expect to see much change there yet. My body seems to hold on after baby until it decides not to anymore. With Baby Boy, I didn’t change a thing, but suddenly quickly lost the last 10 pounds to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight, probably around his 8-9th month. But we will see! If I can improve my back pain, and the overall look and feel in my body, I will be a happy camper. 😉

*Now is as good a time as any to tell you this post contains terrifying affiliate links that exist in order to help keep Wholesome Housewife alive. If you’re a scaredy cat, click back now. ? Or to read more boring stuff, see my disclosures. ? (Actually, they’re not that bad). If you enjoy the site, and happen to love the products I recommend, feel free to click away. Your cost won’t change a penny, however WH will receive a small % of the sale. Now back to your regularly scheduled post. ?*

On that note, MuTu has decided to do a Mother’s Day Special! If you buy this weekend, you can save 20% off the original price. So if you click any of the links and see a price, use the code below (MOM20) to get 20% off of it! 🙂 If I didn’t have it already, I would be dropping huge hints to Hubby this weekend. 😉

Couple of stats about the promo going on:

  • To grab the discount you have to use the special code – MOM20
  • The discount code cannot be used with any other promotion code.
  • This special sale will be available for a limited time only, from 12:01am Saturday 13th May EST – Sunday 14th 11:59pm EST. Once it’s over, it’s really over… Until next year, anyway!

Who else is on a MuTu journey right now? What week are you on?

About the author

Tiffany H

Hi! I'm Tiffany, mama to the handsomest little boy and sweetest little girl, and wife to the best man ever. I love my Savior, being a housewife, mama and personal 'bakist' to the hubby, living naturally, and making real food taste yummy. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my crazy, happy life. Join me on the journey, let's get to know each other!

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  • Hi there! Thanks for sharing your experience with MuTu. At what point after delivery did you start it?

    • Hi Allison! 🙂 I started at about 10 weeks? I was given the go ahead by my midwife at 6 weeks tho! Trying to adjust to two pushed things off a little bit. 😉 Are you planning on trying MuTu or another program for diastasis? Is this your first pregnancy or were you diagnosed with diastasis previously? Are you having symptoms of it? I thought I was going to have a bad separation after my first, but it ended up being about 1 finger. I had ALL the symptoms of it though, most especially the bad back pain and ‘puffy’ stomach. This has already helped the back pain which I’m so thankful for! 🙂