Do you ever notice how everyone uses Proverbs 31 with regards to women and who they should be, what...
Author - Tiffany H
Trashed blueprints and trusting God in the storm
*Rumble of thunder for effect* Trusting God is a topic I am a non-expert in. I’m barely a...
Prayer for hubby – To be strong in the Lord
Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. ...
Prayer for hubby – Spiritual Growth
Have you ever been in a moment when your husband looks at you with realization and defeat, and says...
What ‘wife’ means
I’ve thought about this for a while. It’s actually an interesting question and people...
Stepping back into the past
That can be a dangerous thing. For some people, like the ones who grew up in Candy-land where it...
Grain-Free 2 Week Conclusion
So. We have officially ended our grain-free two weeks. Well, yesterday we officially ended it. We...
Day 10: Update!
So this whole grain-free thing? Yeah, it’s not for us. We like my pizza too much. That being...
Mixed Berry Muffins (Grain-free, Nut-Free)
So I was craving something bread-y. Or muffin-y. Pretty much just something unvegetable-y. And...
Day 5 grain-free and going weak
No! Strong! Day 5 and going strong! 🙂 Just had to throw that out there for all you doubters...