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Greek Dressing Recipe and How to Prevent Nasty Olive Oil

Written by Tiffany H

So, I thought it was time to share a *totally* healthy recipe with you in the form of some delicious Greek dressing.

When we started changing our standard American diet to real, whole foods in 2012, salad dressing was one of the first things to go. Finally knowing how to read labels, I found out that apparently just about every salad dressing in existence contains soybean or canola oil (*gag*), sugar and/or hydrogenated crap.

I was not happy.

Salad is about one of the worst things you can put in your mouth if it’s not topped with something tasty. Well, according to me. My mom-in-law has amazing taste buds (or resilient ones) because she can eat salad with NOTHING on it. Nothing!

I can’t do it, so I tweaked this old Greek dressing recipe I had and found a keeper. It was so likeable I actually made a batch and gave it to our NRT Doc who told me several times how much he loved it, ate it all in a few days and asked for the recipe so he could make more.

Even though we love this recipe, I find myself disliking the thought of even making it. I have regular glass jars that I use for salad dressing, and since we don’t eat it daily (well, to be honest, I have to beg Ryan to eat anything with leaves in it and he only gives in maybe twice in a calendar year, if I’m lucky, so I’m on my own pretty much) the oil ends up going stale. Like take a whiff and make a face stale. A.k.a: rancid. Ick. Then I don’t want to eat it, get all grossed out, feel awful for wasting the money (olive oil ain’t cheap, people!) and then it sits in my cabinet for a couple more months till I finally give in and throw it out.

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So I was intrigued when Infinity Jars contacted me to do an honest review of them. When they came they were fairly well packed. Several spots on each jar were lacking bubble wrap, however the glass seems to be so thick that they weren’t bothered at all even if they were jostled a little too much. Looking them over I noticed that the screw top jar had a slightly crooked lid. A normal person probably wouldn’t have noticed; however, as I am not normal, 😉 it is something that bugs me a little. The glass is very dark, but not completely black. Overall, I’m pretty impressed with them. They are heavy duty, good quality, and they look sharp. 

When we have raw milk Hubby likes to use xylitol on his cereal, so for a while he’s wanted a small amount of it more accessible than having to get into the bag every time. The screw top jar was the perfect size, and I put enough in this glass jar to fill it half way a few weeks ago. I’m pretty impressed that it’s not a solid block by now, like in the other containers I’ve used. In fact, it’s not clumpy or lumpy at all. 🙂

I haven’t used the roller-ball or dropper yet. I plan to put either a few drops of frankincense or digestzen with coconut oil in the roller-ball for infection control/tummy issues.

The little spray bottle is small but mighty. I actually adore it, ha. We got Grandma’s Christmas Cactus after she passed this New Years, and by the time we did, it was pretty close to death itself. Hubby (the researcher) found they need to be misted with water instead of actually watered. That’s when we realized this little bottle packs a big punch. I thought we’d be standing in the dining room misting till next New Years (it’s a big plant, OK?), but it actually lets out a lot of fine mist with each pump! It brought Grandma’s cactus right back to life, and currently it’s better than ever.

Finally, back to my dressing! I made it and waited about 3 weeks – the time frame it usually takes (or less) to no longer want to eat (or smell) it. To my delight, it smelled like my Greek dressing, only without the touch of rancid. It tasted good too! So on that note, I can recommend Infinity Jars, just based on non-gross dressing. 😉 If you like rancid dressing, continue to enjoy it in your plain clear glass jars. 😉

Tiffany's Greek Dressing
Prep Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
Course: Salad
Cuisine: Mediterranean
Keyword: Greek Dressing
Servings: 12 servings
Author: Tiffany H
  • 1 c olive oil
  • 1/2 c red wine vinegar
  • 2 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 2 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 1/2 tsp basil
  • 1 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp Real Salt
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp organic Dijon mustard
  1. Mix all ingredients together in large glass Pyrex measuring cup/bowl.
  2. Pour into this awesome jar using the spout or a funnel.
  3. Enjoy over salad, veggies, rice or use it to marinate meat!

So there you have it. A completely healthy recipe in completely healthy glass jars. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it and get more greens in because of it. 😉

About the author

Tiffany H

Hi! I'm Tiffany, mama to the handsomest little boy and sweetest little girl, and wife to the best man ever. I love my Savior, being a housewife, mama and personal 'bakist' to the hubby, living naturally, and making real food taste yummy. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my crazy, happy life. Join me on the journey, let's get to know each other!

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