It’s super easy to list all the ways Hubby (and Daddy) is inadequate. Isn’t it? Tell me you’re not one of us who can plaster him to a wall when he falls short. What do you do when he doesn’t put the right matching shorts on...
Category - All Posts
3 Important Things You Need to Know If Breastfeeding
*This post may contain affiliate links in order to help keep the site up and running. Hosting ain’t cheap, ya’ll. 😉 If you want to read some semi-interesting stuff, see my disclosures. If you enjoy the site, and happen to love the...
4 Proven Ways to Recover Quickly After a Difficult Labor
*This post may contain affiliate links in order to help keep Wholesome Housewife up and running. Blogging actually ain’t cheap, ya’ll. 😉 If you want to read some semi-boring stuff, see my disclosures. If you enjoy the site, and happen to love the...
How to Love on Your Wife When She Has Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Depression can suck the life right out of Mama. It can even suck the life out of the whole family. It’s not something we can ignore, and we shouldn’t. This one is for you husbands. Normally I don’t address you directly...
The ‘Me Too’ Obsession: The Danger Of The Movement
‘Me too’. I’m sure you’ve seen it all over your FB feed. Maybe you even added a status of your own. It breaks my heart, the amount of women who have dealt with sexual harassment or are living in the aftermath of assault. More...
How to Make Mother’s Day Special for the Natural Mama
*This post may contain affiliate links in order to help keep the site up and running. Blogging ain’t cheap, ya’ll. 😉 If you want to read some boring stuff, see my disclosures. If you enjoy the site, and happen to love the products I recommend, feel...
His Last Onesie: The End Of An Era
This post was originally featured on the Her View From Home website. So, I don’t know if I’ve told you before, but I. Love. Onesies. They’re perfect. They cover the diaper so that toddlers can’t dig in it (at least the top)...
Mama Confessions – An Authentic Behind The Scenes Look
I have Mama Confessions to make, including: Being Mama is like no other job on this green earth. And all the mamas say “Amen”. Each of our precious little ones is unique beyond unique and provides a streak of crazy only explained by the...
6 Practical Things Every New Mama Needs To Want
No one ever told me what the practical things every new mama needs were. Before we had our first, we had a couple baby showers. We got so. much. stuff. And, sad to say, quite a bit of the stuff ended up not being practical or useful for us. (Who has...
How to Make Awesome Business Cards For Cheap
Since before the new website rolled out several weeks ago, I was craving getting my new logo on something. I really wanted to find an affordable, yet quality place to get some business cards printed. We’re so excited to be going to a blogging...